@article{oai:hi-tech.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002384, author = {塩井, 幸武 and SHIOI, Yukitake and TAKITA, Mitsugu and 滝田, 貢 and 境, 友昭 and SAKAI, Tomoaki}, month = {2012-07-20}, note = {110004623020, Against the theory that the main causes of collapse of structures in past large earthquakes depend on bending moment and shear force due to extraordinary loads, the authors have another opinion that they shall be impact in seismic waves unable to measure with the seismograph of SMAC type. To prove the presence of impact in seismic waves the authors devised a new seismograph with wide-range up to 2,000 Hz and installed it at Tsukuba City. The records measured near field earthquakes, approved that the seismic waves include waves with very short periods but showed small acceleration. A series of dropping tests brought out the possibility of impact waves with large acceleration and very short periods.}, pages = {1--16}, title = {地震波に含まれる衝撃波動の計測}, year = {}, yomi = {シオイ, ユキタケ and タキタ, ミツグ and サカイ, トモアキ} }