@article{oai:hi-tech.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002386, author = {YAZAWA, Kazuki and 矢澤, 一樹 and 岩村, 満 and IWAMURA, Mitsuru and 大津, 正道 and OHTSU, Masamichi and 熊谷, 浩二 and KUMAGAI, Koji and 岡村, 隆成 and OKAMURA, Takanari}, month = {2012-07-20}, note = {110004623026, We carried out the attitude survey of residents of Aomori and Hachinohe to investigate the problems concerning the transaction plan of the industrial waste disposed illegally in Aomori-Iwate prefectural border. As the result of this survey we found that we must completely survey an environment with surrounding area of the treatment facilities and disclose information to habitants in order to advance the transaction scheme of industrial waste. Additionally we must make the best use of the industrial waste,so it becomes easy to obtain the understanding of surrounding habitants.}, pages = {25--35}, title = {青森・岩手県境不法投棄産業廃棄物の処理計画に関する住民意識調査}, year = {}, yomi = {ヤザワ, カズキ and イワムラ, ミツル and オオツ, マサミチ and クマガイ, コウジ and オカムラ, タカナリ} }