@article{oai:hi-tech.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002387, author = {Echizen, Masahiro and 越前, 正洋 and MASUDA, Yoichiro and 増田, 陽一郎}, month = {Feb}, note = {110004623027, We studied the optics property of a ferroelectric thin film. Ferroelectric thin films of (PbLa)(ZrTi)O_3 (PLZT) were prepared by chemical solution deposition (CSD) method. The PLZT thin film is multi layer structure and has the extinction and refractive index. We measured the wave length dependence of reflectance spectrum and compared the Sellmeier model and the tauc-Lorenz model to the experimental data. As a result,the maximum value of refractive index of a PLZT thin film is 4.1 (wave length : 280 nm). The Sellmeier model is the simple model and the value obtained from the Sellmeier model is not fitting to measured value in short wave length region, because the Sellmeier model disregards absorbing photon by band gap of PLZT thin film. Therefore, in short wave length region the tauc-Lorenz model is effective.}, pages = {37--41}, title = {Sol-Gel法により合成した(PbLa)(ZrTi)O3強誘電体薄膜の光学特性}, year = {2006}, yomi = {エチゼン, マサヒロ and マスダ, ヨウイチロウ} }