@article{oai:hi-tech.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002403, author = {塩井, 幸武 and SHIOI, Yukitake and HASHIZUME, Yutaka and 橋詰, 豊 and FUKADA, Hisashi and 深田, 久}, month = {2012-07-20}, note = {110003483578, Many phenomena have been observed during the past large earthquakes that the liquefied saturated sandy layers give large damage to the various structures and the life lines. Hachinohe Institute of Technology(HIT)has succeeded to clarify the generation mechanism of liquefaction by the all-out investigations on the liquefaction appeared at the Hachinohe Port during the 1994 Far-OffSanriku Earthquake. Furthermore,the analyzing method developed in this study was applied to the severely liquefied sites in the 1948 Fukui,the 1969 Niigata and the 1983 Mid-Japan Sea Earthquakes. Consequently,the analyses can make the reasonable explanation for the phenomena at that time.}, pages = {1--12}, title = {地震時の飽和砂地盤の液状化現象のメカニズム}, year = {}, yomi = {シオイ, ユキタケ and ハシヅメ, ユタカ and フカダ, ヒサシ} }