@article{oai:hi-tech.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002404, author = {NAKAMURA, Isao and 中村, 勇夫 and 堀井, 信弘 and HORII, Nobuhiro and SATO, Yuya and 佐藤, 裕哉 and SEKI, Hidehiro and 関, 秀廣 and 佐藤, 松雄 and SATO, Matsuo}, month = {2012-07-20}, note = {110003483579, This paper denoted a new type reflector on the micro groove on LCD display. This processing was named as "2nd process",which was the additional processing on the surface prepared as LCD reflector. Micro pattern using the"2nd process"was made by sputtering on the surface which was firstly prepared micro groove on it. Random concavo-convex pattern is made by the filter with the weave of 390 and 500 mesh. The pattern had in nanometer order thickness with crossed line. It was shown that this pattern was useful to prevent the reflection on LCD display}, pages = {13--15}, title = {二次加工した微細溝の形状解析に関する研究}, year = {}, yomi = {ナカムラ, イサオ and ホリイ, ノブヒロ and サトウ, ユウヤ and セキ, ヒデヒロ and サトウ, マツオ} }